自治系统编号 10014 : NIHON-U (日本)

🖥 自治系统编号 10014 : NIHON-U (日本)

自治系统编号:AS10014 是由日本下的NIHON-U 机构来管理的,具体的内容可以看下面的详细内容。本数据更新于:2024-02-19T11:00:46。

Japan (JP) IP Address
IP网络 - AS10014
地址范围: AS10014
网络名字: NIHON-U
国家: JP - 日本 ( JP )
事件: 最后更新
类型名称: autnum
描述: Nihon University
源: Objects returned came from source
条款和条件: Objects returned came from source
This is the APNIC WHOIS Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format.
This information has been partially mirrored by APNIC from JPNIC. To obtain more specific information, please use the JPNIC WHOIS Gateway at http://www.nic.ad.jp/en/db/whois/en-gateway.html or whois.nic.ad.jp for WHOIS client. (The WHOIS client defaults to Japanese output, use the /e switch for English output)
http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html ( 服务条款 )
Whois 错误报告: Objects returned came from source
This is the APNIC WHOIS Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format.
This information has been partially mirrored by APNIC from JPNIC. To obtain more specific information, please use the JPNIC WHOIS Gateway at http://www.nic.ad.jp/en/db/whois/en-gateway.html or whois.nic.ad.jp for WHOIS client. (The WHOIS client defaults to Japanese output, use the /e switch for English output)
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
https://www.apnic.net/manage-ip/using-whois/abuse-and-spamming/invalid-contact-form ( 不准确报告 )
状态: 有效
链接: https://jpnic.rdap.apnic.net/autnum/10014 ( 自己 )
https://netox.apnic.net/search/AS10014?utm_source=rdap&utm_medium=result&utm_campaign=rdap_result ( 相关的 )
Whois 服务器: whois.apnic.net
一致性: nro_rdap_profile_0, nro_rdap_profile_asn_hierarchical_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0

entity- YN9595JP
处理: YN9595JP
角色: 管理
链接: http://whois.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/whois_gw?key=YN9595JP/e ( 相关的 )
http://whois.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/whois_gw?key=YN9595JP ( 相关的 )

entity- SA037JP
处理: SA037JP
角色: 技术
链接: http://whois.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/whois_gw?key=SA037JP/e ( 相关的 )
http://whois.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/whois_gw?key=SA037JP ( 相关的 )

entity- JNIC1-AP
处理: JNIC1-AP
角色: 管理, 技术
事件: 最后更新 : 2022-01-05T03:04:02Z
链接: https://jpnic.rdap.apnic.net/entity/JNIC1-AP ( 自己 )
版本: 4.0
名称: Japan Network Information Center
地址: Uchikanda OS Bldg 4F, 2-12-6 Uchi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
电话: +81-3-5297-2312
邮箱: hostmaster@nic.ad.jp

🖥 自治编号AS10014包含的IP段

下面是自治系统号:AS10014 中包含的IP地址段,包括起始IP,每个IP地址段的IP个数;

网络 开始IP 结束IP IP数量 65536

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